All families are welcome to register their children on-line for in-person classes that teach students to be disciples of Christ through invitation, interactive learning, prayer, service, sacraments and liturgy in the Catholic church. Pre-registration is required. The cost of the program is $25 to cover materials per child. Classes are taught by volunteer teachers (catechists) involved in ongoing development and approved by the Archdiocese of Cincinnati Child Protection Decree. Religious Education Classes are taught on three campuses in the St. Gabriel the Archangel Family of Parishes.
Elise Sas, Director of Children's Faith Formation
ESAS@SGFP.ORG 937.898.3542 at Extension 302
St. Christopher Campus Religious Education
Wednesday nights, 7:00 to 8:10pm, September to April. Classes for Grades 1 to 5.
Source material is Discover! Finding Faith in Life by St. Mary’s Press (SMP.ORG).
St. John the Baptist Campus Religious Education
Sunday mornings, 9:00 to 10:10am, September to May. Classes for Grades Kindergarten to 5.
Classes are typically on the 1st, 3rd, and 5th Sunday of the month.
Source material is Discover! Finding Faith in Life by St. Mary’s Press (SMP.ORG).
St. Peter Campus Religious Education
Sunday mornings, 9:40 to 10:50am, September to May. Classes for Grades Pre-Kindergarten to 5.
Classes are typically on the 1st, 3rd, and 5th Sunday of the month.
Source material is Be My Disciple by RCL Benzinger Publication (RCLBENZINGER.COM).
Parents may choose to teach the faith at home. We provide age-appropriate learning materials
and support with periodic “check ins”.
Source material is Discover! Finding Faith in Life by St. Mary’s Press (SMP.ORG).
Family Catechesis
Through email updates, ideas for bringing the Faith into the home will be provided as well as intergenerational in-person events throughout the year that will appeal to children and parents.
Children’s Liturgy of the Word (CLW)
Children ages 5 to 4th grade are invited to listen and reflect on the Sunday readings on a “child friendly level” during the Sunday morning Mass. Just before the readings, the children may be dismissed and head to a church meeting room. An adult facilitator will guide them through the readings and reflection. They will return to Mass at the time of the offertory. CLW takes place between Memorial Day and Labor Day.
Sacramental Preparation for First Reconciliation and First Communion
Children in the second grade are prepared for reception of the Sacrament of First Reconciliation and First Communion during their regular school or religious education classroom or homeschool instruction
St. John the Baptist Church
St. Peter Church
Our Lady of the Rosary Church
Holy Cross Church