Order of Christian Initiation for Adults


Joy Blaul, Pastoral Associate

JBLAUL@SGFP.ORG    937.237.3516

Order of Christian Initiation of Adults, OCIA, formerly called RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) it is a modern form of an ancient process that awakens and/or deepens one’s relationship with God. It is the way adults are formed and join the Catholic Church.

What is the Process in OCIA?

The process if personal, relevant and life-changing. The OCIA is a place of peace and belonging where you can ask your questions in a judgment-free zone. No pressure to join. Just an invitation to begin a journey of faith. It is a process of study, exploration, faith-sharing, and faith formation with specific liturgical rites for seekers and inquirers. Participants are introduced to the liturgy (Mass), the teachings and the life of the Catholic church, and nurtured in their faith through a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ through the Word.

Does OCIA have a yearly start date?

When you are ready call. This is your journey so we meet you where you are.

Is there a cost?

It is an investment of your time. A time for prayer, study, reflection and attending session for instruction about the Catholic church. There is no monetary cost.

How Can I Be a Part of OCIA?

If you feel like the Catholic Church could be a welcoming home for you, please email Joy Blaul jblaul@sgfp.org or call 937.237.3516.

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